
Topal System Architecture

Technical System Architecture
Topal financial accounting system is designed as a 3-tier architecture containing the presentation-, business logic- as well as the persistence layer.
Topal Server assemblies contain the business logic layer. The business logic layer controls all data manipulations and establishes the
connection towards the the Topal DB, where all client data is stored. The context diagram below gives an overview about of Topal's technical system architecture.
The Topal API is part of the Topal financial accounting distribution and is located in the Topal_SAPI.dll as well as the TopalTypes.dll. The Topal_SAPI.dll contains all classes required to
operate the Topal System environment. The Topal API is able to connect to a standalone (local installed application) as well as to a Server instance in a network.
Standalone (local application) as well as network operated installations work via the same interfaces. Topal registers all required Topal libraries in the
System GAC (Global assembly cache), while installing. The libraries can be referenced by using strong named assemblies.
Topal Context diagram
Figure 1: Topal Context diagram